Friday, March 30, 2012

Bystander Effect

I never been a victim of a Bystander Effect. However, I've heard several stories by friends and family. I've always asked them why didn't they react to the situation, and they all say the same thing which is "it didn't have nothing to do with me". I simply stress the fact that they could have been someone hero and save someone life. Honestly, if I've ever witness someone getting hurt around me. I would react because in my mind I always ask myself what if that was me or someone I know. I can't see myself letting anyone in my presents get hurt and don't react. Even if I feel threatened of feel like my life was in danger I will possibly do everything in my power to help someone in need. I try to stay away from violence but no matter were you go it's violence.

1 comment:

  1. Most people feel the way you feel and are pretty certain that they would never just stand by a watch. Unfortunately, when actually faced with these situations many people fall victim to the "bystander effect". I would have loved to know what actually happened to you or your friends.
